Operator Console

Resource 1 Telecom

How do I populate the Contacts Panel?

Under the Services tab, Contact Directory can be found on the left menu. You may create Contacts individually, or import them in mass.

1. Can I rearrange the order of the Panels on the Console?
          It is not currently possible to rearrange the order of the Panels on the Console but we are working to accommodate this

2. Why are some of the Extensions under All Extensions greyed out?
          When an Extension is not registered with the system, it appears as greyed out on the Console. It cannot be interacted with while it’s greyed out.

3. What is the difference between My Extensions and All Extensions?
          As a Customer Administrator user, My Extensions will show the Extension configured for the phone associated with your login. All Extensions

          will show all other Extensions, and will not include your own.

4. Can you tell me how the MY EXTENSIONS Panel works?
          The My Extensions Panel lists the extension associated to the user who is viewing the Operator Console.  The information displayed for My  

          Extension is the Name and Extension Number provisioned for that extension in the extension detail screen.   If the user’s extension is offline,   

          all the extension information displayed will be greyed out.

   * Receiving an inbound call: when My Extension is receiving an inbound call, a call record, showing the CNAME of the caller and the ring time 

      will be displayed in the My Extension panel and the details in the panel will show as ringing. Ringing calls are identified by the color change to 

      green, under the extensions.

   * On an active call: when My Extension is on an active call, a call record, showing the CNAME of the caller and the talk time will be displayed in

      the My Extensions panel.

   * Multiple active calls: when My Extension has multiple active calls in progress, a "call counter" showing the number of active calls for this

      extension will be displayed.  For example, if there are 2 active calls in progress, the number 2 will appear in the right hand side of the second row,

      which shows the call information.    Clicking this "call counter", expands the call information showing each active call information as a separate

      row.  Clicking the "call counter" again will collapse the display of call information back to a one line display format.

   * Dragging and dropping - Any active call listed under My Extension can be dragged and dropped.   To drag, just click anywhere in the yellow area

      of the displayed call information, hold, and drag. While dragging, if the user's mouse hovers over a valid drop area for the call to be dropped, the 

      area will highlight in green signifying this is a valid area for dropping the call.    Dropping the call, into an an area that is not valid will result in 

      the call being dropped back into its original position under My Extensions or the area it was dragged from.  

   * Valid drop areas are:
            1.  Any other “online” extensions   - dropping onto another online extension the call will be transferred to that user's phone.
            2.  The Parking lot  - dropping into the parking lot, the call is transferred and held in the parking lot until retrieved.
            3.  An online Agent   - dropping a call onto an online agent, transfer the call to the phone that the agent is logged into.

5. What are the features and functions of the Contacts Panel?
    The Contacts Panel list all contacts found in the Contact  Directory for this Customer, displaying all shared contacts as well as the user’s own 

    unshared contacts.  Each contact will list the Name, Company, Phone, and Type.

   * Each Contact Listing contains the following information:
        1.   Name 
        2.   Company       
        3.   Phone  - represented as a hyperlink for click-to-dial capabilities. When clicked, the user’s phone will ring, pick up the ringing phone and the 

              number clicked will be dialed.
        4.   Type  - there are four contact types.  Home, Mobile, Office, Other.  Each type is identified with a unique icon.

   * Filtering your contacts is available by selecting the drop down in the Contacts Panel header.  The filter options available are, All Contacts, Shared 

      Contacts, and Unshared Contacts.
         1.  All Contacts - Lists all Shared contacts as well as the user’s own Unshared contacts
         2.  Shared Contacts - Lists all Shared contacts only, does not list the user’s own Unshared contacts
         3.  Unshared Contacts - Lists only the user’s own Unshared contacts.

Search your contacts by entering a search term into the search box to the right of the filter dropdown in the panel header and hit enter to display the search results.  The search is performed on Name field.  As search context is typed into the search box, a small "x" icon will appear in the right-hand corner of search box.  Clicking this "x" clears the search.

To add, change, or delete a Contact in your Contact Panel, click the gear icon in the Panel Header.  Clicking this icon navigates the user away from the Operator  Console and to the Contacts Directory to make the needed changes.