New E911 Location

How do I set up a new E911 location?

1. While viewing the Customer online, click on the E911 link in the left margin of the page.
2. Click on New Location.
3. Under the Address heading, provide the complete name and address of the location where phone will be located.
4. Under the Phone Number heading, click in the radio button next to the phone number the E911 location will be associated with. For callback
purposes, only a single phone number may be selected.
5. Under the Associate with Phones heading, select one or more phone extensions that are located at the address you provided under the Address
heading. (This can be changed at any time.)
6. Read the terms and conditions in the field at the bottom of the page.
7. Click in the I agree to the Terms and Conditions check box.
8. Click on Save.

Call us to make sure that every thing is operational and that additional steps don’t need to be taken.

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